“I’ld really love to get together with you, I’m just so busy right now“
“I’ld love to know how to paint, but have no talent“
“I’ld love to dance, but I have two left feet“
OK this next paragraph is the nuts and bolts of where we came from so listen up…..
History of dance closely follows the development of human race. Since the earliest times of our existence, far before the creation of first modern civilizations, dance served as an irreplaceable way of expressing human thought and emotion. As our civilization traveled through millennia, dance was modified to the point of being popular means of expression, health, communication and competition. Dance facts.net
Well so if cavemen were dancing why can’t everyone?
There are studies that show that physical activity improves mental as well as physical health. Dance takes it to another level as you truly experience the movement through music and emotions. With all the stress today we need dance more that ever.
Do you remember when you were younger (or maybe it was just last night) moving to your favourite music. That is a primal response.
Children naturally move to music which is a natural state of pleasure and expressiveness
So why do some believe they can’t dance? Is it fear of exposing themselves? Perhaps thinking that like wanting to be an astronaut, it’s something only some very elite can do? Seriously, all you need is your body and letting go of misconceptions of what dancing is. The benefits far outweigh the fears.
Besides the benefits for the individual, dancing also creates community. It is also used in weddings, flash mobs, night clubs, Global YouTube events, etc (all of which require no formal dance training).
Dancing also creates self awareness (mind/body) and confidence when taking that leap.
Sure it can make you feel vulnerable at first but once you let go and let the music lead you, magic happens. Remember “No two people dance the same and each one creates their own “perfect” dance whether it’s a recreational or professional form”.
Another wonderful thing about dance is there is no age limit to start (it can open up a whole new world). It connects us to that mind/body awareness (which seems to be a hot topic today).
So if you have ever said “I would love to know how to dance” or “I use to dance when I was younger ((in my bedroom with no one around))”, or “yes my feet start tapping whenever I hear music I like”…..then guess what, you are a dancer!
Definition of Dance:
As a verb:
move rhythmically to music
As a noun:
a series of movements that match the speed and rhythm of a piece of music.
So my challenge to you is >>>> for one week, every morning when you wake up, put on some of your favourite music and start to dance (even for 5 minutes) then see how different you feel. Want to spread the love? Get the whole family involved.
Let me know how it goes and lets start to use dance as one of the new ways to be joyful in our everyday lives.